Dog Adoption ApplicationName Street Address City State Zip Code Cell Phone E-Mail Address Name of the dog(s) you want to adopt If you're applying for a puppy, please list a 2nd and 3rd choice as well. To ensure that this adoption is in the best interest of both you and the dog you selected, we ask that you answer the following questions:Do you live in (select one): HouseApartmentCondo / TownhomeTrailerOtherDo you want this dog to be (select one): Inside OnlyOutside OnlyBothWhere will this dog be kept during the day? At night? When you're not home? Do you have a fenced in back yard? YesNoIf there is no fenced in yard, how will you exercise the dog? Please tell us why you would like to adopt a dog? Please list all the people your dog will be living with (including yourself) Please include name, age, and relationship to prospective adopter.Did your entire family agree on the adoption of this one dog? YesNoAre there any children that visit your home frequently? YesNoIf yes, please list their age(s) Do you have any other pets living with you now? YesNoIf yes, please list them Include type (dog, cat, etc.), breed, and whether they are neutered/spayed.Do you have a regular veterinarian? YesNoIf yes, list clinic name, address, and phone number May we have permission to request information form your veterinarian? YesNoWhat do you know about heartworms? What will you feed your new dog? What kind of behavior do you find unacceptable? If the dog has problems with behavior, what will you do about it? I certify that the above information is true and understand that false information may result in nullifying this adoption.Applicant's Signature Please type full name.Date Thank you for completing the Dog Adoption Application. An adoption counselor will contact you soon so that we may review it with you. VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: